Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Positive Thinking - A Deeper Understanding

Positive thinking is sometimes thought of as just think positive. It is often thought of if I just keep a positive attitude, things will work out. If I just think positive, the troubles I am having will be over soon enough. But positive thinking is much, much more. Positive thinking entails the following key elements:

  • Positive Self Talk
  • Positive Self Worth
  • Positive Values
  • Positive Intrinsic Motivation
  • Positive Intrinsic Happiness

Positive Self Talk

The way in which we think and speak to ourselves is crucial. Take a look at what you think and say to yourself. Do you talk down to yourself and tell yourself how much of an idiot you are? Or do you talk to yourself and pat yourself on the back, tell yourself how smart, capable, and talented you are?

Positive Self Worth

The way in which we value ourselves is crucial. Do we think of ourselves as incapable and destined to a life of slaving away at a day job? Or do we think of ourselves as capable and able to tackle the toughest challenges and obstacles ahead, leading to grand ventures?

Positive Values

What do we value most in life? Is it our car, our TV, our boat? Those aren't exactly the most positive values and if those are our values, that will be what we become good at. We will know a lot about cars, TV shows, and boating. But what if we focused our values on happiness, uplifting ourselves and others, being successful at our careers. Think of what that kind of focus can bring to your life. Countless opportunities and friendships await one who has positive values.

Positive Intrinsic Motivation

Where does your motivation come from? Does it come from getting your paycheck for the next two weeks? Does it come from not wanting to get fired from your day job? If so, then you will act accordingly and always be motivated and acted upon by outside forces. But think of what being motivated from within positively can do for you. You become motivated because you know you are priceless. And because you are priceless, you know you must learn and grow and gain skills and knowledge - and you do this because you want to become better as a human being. When that happens, outside forces seldom dictate your happiness.

Positive Intrinsic Happiness

When all of the above factors are mastered we gain a positive intrinsic happiness from within that begins to define us on another level of existence far exceeding the average mundane adventures of any given day. We begin to understand that we are only scratching the surface of our capabilities and understanding. When this happens, we will crave those who seek after the same positive things we do and the negative influences in our life will wash away.